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What a NFC Tags Can do? UniRFID to be your best NFC solution provider

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What a NFC Tags Can do? UniRFID to be your best NFC solution provider

What a NFC Tags Can do? UniRFID to be your best NFC solution provider
Jun 28, 2024

NFC (Near Field Communication) technology has evolved from the integration of contactless RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) and interconnectivity technologies. It combines the functions of an inductive card reader, inductive card, and peer-to-peer communication on a single chip, allowing for identification and data exchange with compatible devices over short distances at a frequency of 13.56MHz. This technology is widely used in countries like Japan and South Korea, where users with NFC-enabled smartphones can utilize various functionalities, such as airport boarding validation, building access control, transportation cards, credit cards, payment cards, and more.


With the increasing number of NFC-enabled smartphones, NFC tags are becoming a common way to utilize this emerging technology. With an NFC-enabled smartphone, you can create various scenarios using NFC tags.


At Home:


Place NFC tags near your door to set them to perform tasks like turning on Wi-Fi, dimming lights, turning off Bluetooth, or enabling automatic synchronization. Using an NFC Task Launch app, you can set tags as "switches" so you can touch the tag again when leaving the room to change these settings, such as turning off Wi-Fi.


While Driving:


Attach NFC tags near your dashboard or control panel to turn off Wi-Fi, increase volume, or enable Bluetooth (for your phone). If your phone is connected to the speakers in your car, you can set tags to open applications like Pandora.


Getting Ready for Work:


Place NFC tags on your desk to adjust lighting, turn off sound, turn on Wi-Fi, or enable automatic synchronization. Depending on your preferences, you can also set them to open music apps, manage daily tasks, or even check in on Foursquare. If you set tags as switches, you can touch them again when leaving to turn off previous activities.


Bedside Table:


You can also place tags on your bedside table to turn off sound, set alarms, disable automatic synchronization, turn off light reminders, and dim the lights.


Unknown Uses and Unique Ideas:


Connect to Wi-Fi:


If you want guests in your home or office to use Wi-Fi without needing to provide them with a password, you can use InstaWifi. This free Android app allows you to set up NFC tags so that phones or mobile devices can connect to Wi-Fi by simply touching the NFC device.


Automatically Start a Timer:


Ever started the washing machine and then forgotten about it as soon as you left? Stick a tag near the washing machine or dryer to start a timer.


Quickly Open Specific Evernote Notes:


Touchanote is a free app that has won awards in note-taking software development competitions. It allows you to set tags to directly access specific notes. Their demos include setting tags to open to-do lists or opening product manuals by touching tags placed near the product.


NFC Keychain:


Attach NFC tags to your existing keychain or customize an NFC keychain online to perform tasks you frequently do, such as turning your phone into hotspot mode or playing your favorite song.

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Future Possible Uses:


NFC solutions can make our lives more convenient, leading to broader applications in the future. Here are a few examples:


Door Opening:


Surprisingly, this technology already exists but is not yet widely used. Some companies have developed easy-to-install systems where you can wave your phone near the door handle to open it. You can also remotely open the door for family or friends from a distance.


Bluetooth Pairing:


Soon, we may see the emergence of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi speakers with built-in NFC. With them, phones or mobile devices can pair with the speakers by touching them. This solution is gradually emerging, as seen with Google's music streaming device Nexus Q, which incorporates NFC.


Safer Online Shopping:


One of the notable uses of NFC is to make online shopping more secure. For example, attaching a small NFC device to a laptop. Before shopping, users must swipe their NFC credit card on the connected device. Unlike before, users do not need to enter personal passwords but instead draw a gesture on the credit card (or on the phone) before completing the purchase.


Traveling with NFC:


Scandinavian Airlines introduced a popular program called "Smart Passport," where frequent flyers received custom NFC tags. These tags were attached to the back of their phones, replacing boarding passes and allowing them to undergo priority security checks or access VIP lounges.



In the future, as more customers adopt NFC-enabled smartphones, airports, event centers, sports arenas, cinemas, and more will invest in this technology to allow customers to use NFC smartphones instead of paper tickets. Unirfid, as a professional manufacturer, provides you with professional NFC solutions to enhance your daily life with the convenience of NFC technology.


Related Products: NFC Tags, NFC Keychains, NFC Stickers

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